Wednesday, December 7, 2022






    Instead of focusing on giving up something you love or doing something you “should” do, why not focus on things you want in your life?  It has been said that when you write out your thoughts, it helps manifest them.

   Our INTENTION BOOKLET offers you a place to put those special intentions in an attractive booklet.  The cover is handmade paper* with matching thread.  The inside pages start with a title page with space   for the date and your name.  The second page has space to list your intentions and date them, followed by 26 blank pages to write out in detail what those intentions encompass.  Also included is an envelope accented to compliment the booklets and is oversized to allow for additional materials you may want to include such as pictures or small objects to remind you of specific details for your intentions for visual inspiration

   You can start your booklet on a special day such as the season’s equinox, your birthday, the start of a new job or any new start, when moving, or for relationships or personal life changes.

*Note:  Handmade paper is imperfect with irregularities that give it its own unique personality.

These INTENTIONS BOOKLET are handcrafted with loving care.


Interested in purchasing this item?  Please contact us directly at: