Friday, August 2, 2024

Featured Product: PURSE JOURNALS









   This exclusively designed PURSE JOURNAL is a fashion accessory that doubles as a journal, diary, or notepad to keep ideas or lists.  The length of the shoulder cord allows you to write in it while still wearing it.  Just sling it over your shoulder crosswise for hands-free wear and will prevent you from leaving it behind or have to carry it.

   It is handcrafted using a rose colored, embossed diamond design on textured leather-like vinyl cover.  It is bound around the edges and tied with silk cord and accented with a purse charm.  A plain pink version is also available.  The color of the binding cord can be custom chosen.  We also have a gold tone purse with an antique gold purse charm and binding cord in ivory, black or gold.

   We use white Green Seal Certified paper for the inside pages.  Some pages are lined. 46 double-sided pages = 92 pages total.  The inside cover has a space to add your name and claim it yours.

   This journal is renewable -- meaning once you have used the pages, they can be removed and replaced with new ones. 

   Classier than ordinary notebooks.  Impress those around you with the fashion accessory that's also useful in so many ways.  Students use them for class notes, take them to seminars, make notations at exhibits or museums, for networking events to jot down who you met and how to contact them, or even use it for autographs when the opportunity presents itself.  I'm sure you can use your imagination and personal needs for other uses. 

Purse measures:   7" H x 5" W - closed, 7" H x 13" W - open

   Have fun adding it to your wardrobe accessories or give it as a gift for your fashion conscious friends.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Inspiration Quote: by Jean Shinoda Bolen - Whenever I experience something beautiful . . .



 “Whenever I experience something beautiful, I am with Soul. That moment of inward breath, that pause and awareness of “how beautiful this is” is a prayer of appreciation, a moment of gratitude in which I behold beauty and am one with it.”

~ Jean Shinoda Bolen~

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Creativity Quote: by Rumi -- What if life is calling you . . .












“What in your life is calling you, when the noise is silenced, the meetings adjourned . . . the lists laid aside, and the wild iris blooms by itself the dark forest,. . . what still pulls on your soul?”

- Rumi -

Wednesday, December 7, 2022






    Instead of focusing on giving up something you love or doing something you “should” do, why not focus on things you want in your life?  It has been said that when you write out your thoughts, it helps manifest them.

   Our INTENTION BOOKLET offers you a place to put those special intentions in an attractive booklet.  The cover is handmade paper* with matching thread.  The inside pages start with a title page with space   for the date and your name.  The second page has space to list your intentions and date them, followed by 26 blank pages to write out in detail what those intentions encompass.  Also included is an envelope accented to compliment the booklets and is oversized to allow for additional materials you may want to include such as pictures or small objects to remind you of specific details for your intentions for visual inspiration

   You can start your booklet on a special day such as the season’s equinox, your birthday, the start of a new job or any new start, when moving, or for relationships or personal life changes.

*Note:  Handmade paper is imperfect with irregularities that give it its own unique personality.

These INTENTIONS BOOKLET are handcrafted with loving care.


Interested in purchasing this item?  Please contact us directly at:


Thursday, November 17, 2022

Resolutions vs. Intentions





   Writing something by hand to most people is not their go-to way of communicating.  Sending emails, texts, posts on social media and putting your appointments in your phone is the norm.  But once upon a time, we wrote everything by hand.  Writing on cave walls in pictures, illuminated manuscripts were an art form now in museums to admire and throughout history people kept personal diaries, letters were exchanged that give us insight to what was taking place and how people felt about what was happening in their lifetime.  In this era of instant messaging, computerized communicating, how will we look back at this time to gain an understanding of life in the 21st century?  Handwriting classes are no longer a required class in many schools yet our personal signature is required on every important document. 


   Pencils and paper come from nature, using them connects you to your basic life force.  You actually write differently when you write directly onto a computer then when you take pencil to paper.  I noticed this many years ago and find I am more authentic when I write out my thoughts.  Even when I type those thoughts in a document on a computer … like this newsletter, it comes out much better if I write it out by hand first. 


   It has been proven that there are psychological benefits to writing by hand.

Did you know that a number of studies have all came to the same conclusion that writing by hand can improve your brain’s memory. For example, researchers compared students who took notes by hand with those who took notes on laptops. What they found was that students using laptops tended to write down what the professor said word for word whereas those taking notes by hand were more likely to analyze the professor’s words for important content and process information better by “reframing it in their own words.”


   Another study revealed that parts of the brain associated with learning are more active when people write out their thoughts by hand rather than on a keyboard. At a time where our brains consume so much information every day, writing by hand offers a chance to remember the things that are most important to us.


   Probably one of the reasons more people use technology over hand writing is because it’s slower and we are forced to slow down.  Everything is instant, especially those who group up with technology and have no experience or awareness about writing things out my hand don’t have a clue to what they’re missing.  According to neuroscientist Claudia Aguirre, we write more thoughtfully when we write by hand. That’s because writing by hand forces us to slow down and take more time to pour over thoughts. This is both the beauty and the pain of writing by hand, especially since we are a society of instant gratification.


   “Recent neuroscientific research has uncovered a distinct neural pathway that is only activated when we physically draw out our letters,” said Aguirre. “And this pathway, etched deep with practice, is linked to our overall success in learning and memory.” When we type on a keyboard, those same pathways aren’t opened up the same way.


   If you write out your thoughts, you are more likely to remember what you wrote down.


  I encourage you to including handwriting as part of your writing process.  Image, many years from now, your handwritten pages may end up in a museum to document this time in history.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Pandemic Fatigue -- It's a real thing.



   We've been on high alert for about a year now.  January saw a spike in Covid 19 cases at an all time high in LA County.  Just being aware of this can put pressure on your emotional well-being and mental health.  The numbers are dropping and the vaccine is a ray of hope but by now the high level of stress is being felt.  You may find yourself feeling drained, burnt out.  Can you relate?

   Did you know that there is such a thing as hitting the pandemic wall?

   Feeling this way, especially in this stage of the coronavirus crisis is completely normal, say mental health experts so hopefully, this will help ease your mind and body a bit.

   If you feel yourself stuck in a pandemic-fueled rut, first take a moment to pause and acknowledge your feelings.  Go easy on yourself as you sit with these emotions.  The pandemic has been brutal, and it's time we all cut ourselves a break.

   "Have compassion for yourself and don't belittle your feelings."  It's hard and hitting a wall is a completely valid response to totally irregular circumstances.  BE KIND TO YOURSELF.

  For the full article in The HuffPost, here is the link:

Friday, January 29, 2021

Chinese New Year: February 12, 2021 -- YEAR of the METAL OX




   The Ox is associated with the Earth and in the Chinese culture is a valued animal because of their role in agriculture.  They represent hard workers who stay in the background, intelligent and reliable but never demanding praise or wanting to be the center of attention.  Known for honesty, earnestness, and being low key. 

  According to astrologers, in this Year of the Ox, it’s about hard work, positivity and honesty that will be manifested for all of us in the coming twelve months.  Work will be rewarded, and we will fully feel the weight of our responsibilities necessary to double our efforts to accomplish anything for economic recovery or consolidation.  2021 is a year when problems get solved with discipline.  A LOT of discipline!  It’s important how our time is organized. 

   It’s considered a lucky year with a focus on relationships, both friendships and love.  Seeking order in family life, if family life is peaceful, everything gets solved.  It’s a fabulous year for starting a family, marriage and for those single, to find their mate.

   Lucky numbers this year are 7, 9, 12, 21, 34, 42.

   Lucky days are 5th, 9th, 17th, 29th of each month.

   Lucky months are the 3rd, 7th, and 9th.

   Main color for this year is white but yellow (success) and green (prosperity) are also lucky.

   Since it’s a metal year, to increase luck, wear metal accessories.

   Lucky directions include the West, Northwest and Southwest.

   This year for Career/Fortune offers career advancement in business, prosperity and wellness for all.  New career opportunities will present themselves so don’t let anxiety or negative thoughts affect you.  There will be success and luck for those who are flexible and ready for anything.